Our Constitution

Constitution for the Oxford Centre for European History 

February 2022 

1. The Centre 

I. The Oxford Centre for European History (OCEH), established by decision of the Modern History Faculty on 4 March 1999, is an integral part of the Faculty of History. 

II. The purpose of OCEH is to further the collaborative study of the history of post-medieval Europe at the University of Oxford. The history of the British Isles is included within this definition where appropriate.  

III. The Centre shall, as far as possible, establish standing links with appropriate bodies in Oxford and beyond. 

2. The Chair and the Research Director 

I. The Centre’s research activities will be led by a Chair and a Research Director, whose terms of office are two years and will be eligible for reappointment. The Chair and the Research Director will be proposed by the OCEH Committee (see (3) below) and appointed by the History Board from among the members of the History Faculty.   

II. The Chair and the Research Director will be supported and advised by the OCEH Committee. In the first instance the posts of Chair and Research Director will be unpaid, although relief of burden may be provided by the Faculty of History Board as circumstances permit, to be decided on a case by case basis.   

III. The Chair’s main remit is to develop the Centre’s medium and long-term research strategy in close coordination with the Research Director and in consultation with the OCEH Committee.  The Chair will also look after the day to day running of the Centre in conjunction with any administrative staff who may be appointed as funds allow, and with the administration of the Faculty of History. Financial and legal responsibility for the Centre will remain with the Faculty of History. 

3. The OCEH Committee 

I. The OCEH Committee is the body appointed to advise and support the Chair and the Research Director of the Centre. 

II. The Committee shall consist of the OCEH Chair, the OCEH Research Director, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Global History, the statutory Professor of Modern History, and up to seven other members co-opted by the Chair to serve for three years in the first instance, with the possibility for being renewed for a further two years. They will include: two postholders specialising in the history of modern Europe; two postholders specialising in the history of early modern Europe; one representative of the Early Career Researchers specialising in the history of post-medieval Europe; and one representative of the DPhil students specialising in the history of post-medieval Europe. 

III. The Committee’s principal duty will be to ensure that the purpose of the Centre is properly and efficiently pursued. This will be done by: a) advising and supporting the Chair and the Research Director on the development of the Centre’s medium and long-term strategy; b) noting the progress of applications grant application for awards to be held in the Centre; c) approving the Chair’s annual report to the Faculty of History Board. 

IV. The Committee is the body with which the Chair and the Research Director shall communicate on any substantial matters affecting the Centre. The Chair shall bring to the attention of the Committee, or the Research Director between stated meetings, any matters about the Centre which in the view of the Chair require the Committee’s knowledge or involvement. The Committee reserves the right to communicate directly with the Faculty of History Board on matters affecting the Centre. 

V. The Committee may choose to vest in the Chair the power to deal with issues within the Committee’s competence, which arise between meetings of the Committee. They shall do so in consultation with the Research Director and shall provide a full report to the Committee at its next meeting. 

VI. The Chair of the Committee shall draft the annual report to the Faculty of History Board on the work of the Centre for approval by the OCEH Committee prior to its submission to the Faculty of History Board.  This document may also serve as a document available to outside bodies. 

VII. The OCEH Committee shall approve extraordinary memberships of the Centre. 

VIII. Minutes of the Committee will be submitted to the Faculty of History Board on a regular basis. 

IX. The Committee shall normally meet once a term at a time to be decided by the Committee.   

4.   Other staff  

I. As funding permits, the Faculty of History Board may appoint administrative and research staff to develop the activities of the Centre. Line management for such staff may be determined by the Faculty of History Board and by the terms of funding arrangements.  

5. The Members of the Centre 

I. All postholders, early career researchers, doctoral students, emeritus, members, and associate members of the Faculty of History, who specialise in the history of post-medieval Europe, are ordinary members of the Centre. 

II. OCEH shall nominated retired and Visiting Researchers as Honorary Members.   

III. All members of the Centre will receive a copy of the constitution on entering the Unit. 


IV. Membership of the Centre shall not include membership of the Faculty of History, although ordinary members of OCEH are also members of the History Faculty.   


6. Research Associates and Visiting Researchers 

  1. The OCEH Committee has the authority to confer the status of Visiting Researchers (post-doctoral) at OCEH.   

  1. The status of Visiting Researcher may be conferred on (1) members of Oxford University (but not members of the Centre) who are convenors of conferences and seminars run through the Centre or contribute to its teaching programme and (2) scholars who are working in areas related to its own research interests and are sponsored by a member of the Centre.  

  1. Those applying for the status of Visiting Researchers should submit to the OCEH Committee a curriculum vitae together with a covering letter outlining their research interests and their proposed involvement with the Centre with a letter of support form their sponsor. They will be asked to pay a charge as a standard bench fee.  

  1. The status of Visiting Researcher will normally be granted or renewed at each Term meeting of the Committee for the relevant academic year. 

  1. Prospective Visiting Researchers from another University working on a research project within the remit of the Centre may be invited by the Chair to spend time at the Centre conducting their research. Visiting Researchers will be expected to play an active role in the Centre’s research and teaching programme.  

  1. Visiting Researchers are expected to provide a brief outline of their work and publications for the Centre’s Annual Report. 

  1. OCEH Visiting Researchers are not Faculty members, but are invited to attend Faculty meetings, and will receive information about the Faculty of History.  They may not vote at Faculty meetings.   

7. Amendments 

This constitution may be amended, from time to time, by the OCEH Committee, which will submit it for the Faculty of History Board’s approval via the Research Committee.