A New Home for the Oxford Centre for European History

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After months of hard work and countless edits, the Oxford Centre for European History is proud to present our new website. Here, you can find information on our mission, our projects, and our events throughout the year. It is our hope that this website will provide a home for people studying European History in Oxford and the broader community while keeping everyone up to date on our latest endeavours and initiatives. Paired with our Twitter profile, the OCEH website is part of our renewed focus on outreach and communication, where we can share the incredible work being done by our community of historians.

This blog is intended to feature stories based on or important to the research of OCEH members. It is our hope that this blog will be a community effort, where members can share their stories in their own words. If you have a proposal for a short (under 500 word) blog entry on a topic close to your research, please reach out to us at oceh@history.ox.ac.uk.

Enjoy the new website everyone!

- Aaron Larsen, OCEH DPhil Representative and Website Administrator